The Greatest Story Ever Told: An Eye-Opening Revelation

The Greatest Story Ever Told: An Eye-Opening Revelation

The bible is not just a book, its the greatest story ever told! We take a birds eye view of the whole bible. The bible is not just a book, its the greatest story ever told! We take a birds eye view of the whole bible in 9 lessons, from genesis to revelation seeing gods salvation story From genesis to revelation, a story unfolds that begins and ends in paradisethe greatest story ever told from the timeless pages of the bible.

The bible is not just a book, its the greatest story ever told! We take a birds eye view of the whole bible in 9 lessons, from genesis to revelation seeing gods salvation story unfold. Yarbrough brings us on a journey from genesis to revelation and shows us how the narrative of the scriptures is one cohesive and united story of gods redemptive work. The bible is not just a book, its the greatest story ever told! We take a birds eye view of the whole bible in 9 lessons, from genesis to revelation seeing gods salvation story unfold.

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